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You must be the social butterfly!
We learnt a long time ago that we could boost a lot of learning with social media. When we designed the SAS programme for Superdry the main virtual method of delivery was via Instagram. Boom. You can see some of those photos when you scroll down.
Nowadays we all learn from social media – our little brains have been rewired by the evil overlords at Facebook HQ and we now consume staggering amounts of information in a new media. Whilst this can be bad (endless scrolling and Instagram holes anyone?) it can be super useful for learners.
Social Learning
We could help you create an in-house learning channel. Content for virtual learning on social. Perhaps you use an in-house app like Yammer? We could help you come up with a content plan, design and deliver it for you and help you engage and grow followers.
Social Media
You might just be needing someone to bring your LinkedIn to life. We have done this for a lot of our clients. One in particular is We Are Brave. We’ve worked hard on the social for their initial brand, Well Prepared Training and have now owned the redesign work for them as they rebranded as We Are BRAVE. We partner with them to create topical, relevant, on brand and engaging content that brings their LinkedIn profile to life, whilst teaching people what they do and how they do it. You can grab a look at their page here. https://www.linkedin.com/company/wearebrave
Why not give them a follow? You might like just love what you see!
Alternatively, check out Carefour Services. These guys are an incredible local business providing Home Care and Live In Care and we manage their LinkedIn for brand building, Facebook for content share, recruitment and profile and we also look after their internal Hub social content too. You can have a look here at their Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/carefourservices/
Want more? Try Love Mondays. This is an entrepreneurial business consultancy service providing a wide range of services from business coaching, strategy, planning, website builds and much more.
We recently helped them bring a dedicated LinkedIn account to life. You can see how that is going by clicking here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/we-are-love-mondays/
Blogs and News Pages
We also manage and maintain the news and content creation for blog posts for both these customers.
You can take a peek here. https://wellpreparedtraining.com/news/
And there’s more original content here. https://wearebrave.co.uk/brave-2
Or try here. https://carefour.co.uk/blog/journal/
You might just want some ideas. We’re good at those too. Give us your problem you’re looking to fix, and we’ll drink some coffee, munch a few biscuits and churn out a couple of ideas for you.
Try one out!
Here’s two recent blog posts. We could be creating this content for you too.
What does a Live-In Carer do?
Show me
Here’s some examples to wet your appetite, but remember, an image isn’t the whole story when it comes to social media or learning, it’s the content plan behind it and the outcomes that matter.
The rebranded We Are BRAVE socials are bold, engaging and daring. Designed to work perfectly with their stunning new website they provide a mix of curated content, original blogs, interactive follower posts and thought leadership (along with a little fun)

The Well Prepared Training LinkedIn account grew in followers using original content, a well thought out plan and 3 posts per week which are engaging, inspiring and interesting its followers. The good part – it also generated new business for the team.

The Voice Page is where the We Are BRAVE Blog lives. We link to here from LinkedIn posts to engage, drive traffic and access to landing pages on the primary website. The news page features all original content, blog posts and relevant articles. We create all this content for them and can do the same for you.

Social Learning
If you don’t believe in the power of social learning then check this out. For one programme we used Instagram to teach and encourage social learning daily, across 6 accounts, in 4 different languages to over 6000 team members. That, is the power of social learning, and we can help you do it too.