Created for you, the way you want it with the latest styles and learning ideas.

Hey! So you clicked on Learning & Development. This is where the heart of our business lies.

We’ve taken every last bit of knowledge, experience, delivery and design and decided to share it with the world (well the UK but you know what we mean).

We work with you to create the learning solution you need.

You don’t need to buy another generic package and then try to make it fit your business. Talk to us about what you need. What is the thing you’re trying to do?

We’ll ask you loads of questions and do some research (which we don’t charge for) and then we’ll come back to you with a couple of solutions that we think will float your boat.

We understand learning and how it works. We’ve been there. We’ve delivered to individuals and to thousands. We get modern learning and we understand that the way we learn is changing. Every day. You will see that in our approach. Sometimes unconventional, but it works.

We get concepts. We know models. We can explain theories and incorporate your own content, values, cultural anomalies and tone of voice. What we make you will look and feel like you and if we’ve learnt one thing in L&D, that helps the learner identify that this learning is for me and when that happens, the learning moves faster.

We’ve got our fingers on the pulse of the industry. Here’s a really long and yet interesting list of things we can do for you.

You want Micro Learning? We can do that.

Bitesize? Sure, no problem.

Video learning? No worries.

Case studies and scenario-based learning. Simples.

Visuals to help people engage, learn and recall. Easy.

Modular learning? We excel at this. It’s our favourite thing.

Pick & Mix Sessions. We can help you make a programme as easy as choosing dolly mixtures and jellybeans. You should check out our What Type of Customer Am I page to see some cool combinations.

Webinars. We nailed this and are designing & delivering more than ever before.

Virtual Learning. We can create new or adapt what you have if you want to take a virtual approach. We can even make recommendations on what platforms will work best.

Entire programmes? Yes please! We love to do stuff from start to finish and can create hours, half days, whole days and even year long programmes for you with brand identities that work for you.

Train the Trainer? Of course. We get that your team might need a little help to get their heads around your shiny new content. We can deliver sessions to help and the first hour is always free.

Management Training? Yep. We do that too. We’ve created incredible programmes for some big brands that help their managers step up and become amazing managers.

Leadership programmes? You guessed it. Of course, we do that too. In fact, we partnered with a friend of ours and came runner up for the programme with the Training Journal (we were robbed!)

Soft Skills? Indeed! We can design and deliver you any session you want to boost the development of your people and business. We have some content prewritten so if you use that we can make it cheaper for you with some simple personalisation and adaptation.

Technology training? Nah, we leave this to the experts.

Health & Safety training. Again, we leave the content to the experts but if you want to design, adapting and turn slow and steady into fast & furious then we can do that for you.

Coaching? Hell yeah! We can design you a coaching programme that will truly enable your people.

Stimulus Training? Prod! Did that feel uncomfortable? That’s the point. We can work with you to design training designed to push buttons and get results.

Icebreaker and energisers? Some may find these cheese-tastic but they serve a purpose. There are loads of these around and whilst we might make you something really specific, we think its cheeky to charge when a google search will probably do the trick. Here’s some freebies from us to get you started.

Team Training? Yeah, all our content will work for teams or individuals. If you wanted a development day or activity day designing, we can create a bespoke session for you and even come along and deliver it if you need us.


Ooh. We love a game. We have introduced gamification across many FTSE 100 companies and they have always proven themselves worthy. We even won a CIPD Award for one of them! You can learn more about that on our Press Page and we’ve shared a few examples below – trust us, we have way more to talk about but we can’t give the whole game away now can we…?