Do we love our bad ideas?

Do we love our bad ideas? In years gone by a bad idea was not your proudest moment, and it usually got swept under the proverbial carpet or filed away in the deleted items folder. Times are changing fast. Thankfully, the times are changing fast. We don’t know about you,…

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Reasons to use Storytelling in Learning.

We all love a good story! That‘s why we gossip, read trashy magazines and watch soap operas! But deep down we’ve been taught that that’s a great way to learn and develop your values and morals. What? EastEnders teaching my child how to behave. Never! Okay, so maybe not quite…

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You’re on mute!

The story of how L&D helped save the day during a pandemic. If you’ve been a delegate, on even just one virtual call in the last few months you’ll have heard the now infamous words (it’s now even a meme) ‘You’re on mute!’ Now whilst this is comedy gold and…

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Avoiding WFH Burn Out

Are you spotting the signs of work from home burn out? Let’s face it. 2020 was a rollercoaster! Globally, the amount of enforced change that we experienced was incredible, and yet we’re still here, working hard and working remotely into 2021. Around the world millions of people made the very…

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Does Gamification need to be electronic?

Gamification is a word that’s been buzzing around Learning & Development for a good few years now, and yet, there are still thousands of businesses who aren’t reaping the rewards from this style of learning. Why? We think that in the ever-changing futuristic world in which we live that we’ve…

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Are we screening out of love?

Are we screening out of love? By now pretty much every organisation will have given into the power of a screen for a meeting, catch up, training session or information download. They arrived in a virtual flash, like a knight on a white horse, galloping into our lives and saving…

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Building a Personal Brand

What do people say about you when you’re not in the room? Jeff Bezos asked that question along with this statement “a brand for a company is like a reputation for a person, you earn reputation by trying to do the hard things well” If you consider his own mammoth…

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What type of learner are you?

We all learn differently and one of the most powerful things we do here at Learning & Design is make sure to include something for everyone when we create content. If you already have content, but you’re getting feedback it’s not hitting the mark this could be the reason why….

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Is laughter really the learning medicine?

When you try to imagine what someone looks like who is trying hard to learn, desperately studying over a set of notes, or concentrating hard over a note on a piano lesson, it’s rare that we imagine them to be smiling, or heaven forbid, actually laughing. Our brains are already…

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The Power of a Learning Break.

Do you understand the importance of ‘learning breaks’? We’ve all been there. It’s a brilliant training session, it’s all making sense and slotting together in your mind and then, oh, wait, what’s that? Yep, your brain just got a little hot and overworked and has now decided it’s full and…

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